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It doesn't just happen in the movies!

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

At the end of the classic film, 'Casablanca', when their characters have decided to join forces, Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) turns to Captain Louis Renault (Claude Rains) and delivers the iconic line - “Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

This line sprung to mind when we were approached very recently by Viscount Organs Wales to join forces to raise awareness and champion all things related to the wonderful instrument that is the #Organ, #Organists and Organ Music so we'd like to say, - "Viscount, we think this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership"!

Viscount had seen our '2nd Organ Music Competition' project on our website (the deadline for entering the competition is 14th February 2021 and fast approaching by the way, so don't delay if you would like to enter!) and very happily and generously offered to sponsor the prize money for the competition, saying:

"Viscount Classical Organs Ltd in the UK have long since set out to be the musician's friend and support many initiatives across the UK to give young musicians instruments at school.

This has never been more important than in the pandemic when access in places of worship has been so difficult.

Viscount Organs Wales is also only too happy to contribute to this competition and so provide a much needed financial boost at this difficult time to the cause of organ music."

We sincerely hope this is the first of many collaborations with Viscount!

You can find Viscount (and us of course!) on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin and, of course, visit their website for more information about them.

If you would be interested in sponsoring or collaborating on a project with us, we'd love to hear from you, so please get in touch at



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