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New Release for Choir and Organ

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

It's very encouraging to see the cautious return of 'live' choral music sung by Church Choirs in their services of worship which may only be small steps forward but feel like giant ones for us all. Hopefully now we can start looking ahead to Remembrance Services and Christmas celebrations... as we are with Tim's own choirs.

In the meantime, we were very pleased to announce that Paraclete Press agreed to publish Tim's 'Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis' (which was written to celebrate another milestone) and are even more pleased to be able to announce that they have now released it - you can find out all about it by clicking on the picture...

We also have a vast range of Choral music for all voicings and occasions (including several other 'Mag and Nuncs') which can be perused via our website shop...

Please get in touch if you have any queries or would like to find out more about commissioning your own piece of music.



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